Events and Engagments

June 4, 2020: Lecture "Lutheran Theology and Theory of Science" at Lutherische Theologische Hochschule Oberursel, Germany: postponed because of the Corona Crisis.

March 30, 2020: Lecture "Melanchthon and Served. Surveying a Controversy", at the ,Deutsches Historisches Institut‘, Rome, at a conference: Antitrinitarians in 16th Century Italy: postponed because of the Corona Crisis.

October 11, 2019: Lecture "Lutheran Theology and Theory of Science" at the Theological Institute of the Estonian Lutheran Church in Tallinn, Estonia, (in German, orally translated into Estonian by Prof. Thomas-Andreas Poder), published German:, Estonian:

September 13, 2019: Moderating the conference "Ist Theologie eine Wissenschaft" ("Is Theology a Science") at STH Basel.

April 30, 2019: Lecture "The Idea of a Christian University and Theology as a Science" at the Karola Gáspár Reformed University Budapest (in German, orally translated into Hungarian by Prof. Péter Balla).

September 25, 2018: Lecture "Melanchthon‘s mature Theology of Justification" at the Protestant Theological Institute of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Romania (in German, orally translated into Hungarian by lecturer Jenö Kiss).

May 2, 2018: Presentation of the first volume of: Philipp Melanchthon, Loci praecipui 1559, transl. by Sven Grosse and Peter Litwan in cooperation with Florence Becher-Häusermann, University Library of Basel.

April 18, 2018: Moderation of the 1. Tilman Geske Memorial Lecture at STH Basel, Referent: Prof. Christof Sauer.

March, 2/3, 2018: Meeting of the ,Societas Mediaevistica‘ at STH Basel. Presentation of a paper: Thomas Aquinas in Wolfhart Pannenberg and Eberhard Jüngel.

February, 26-28: Meeting of the ,Martin-Luther-Bund‘, Wittenberg. Presentation on: Melanchthon as Theologian of the Lutheran Confession.

November, 7, 2017: Lecture "What is the meaning of the Reformation today?" in the series ,Monatsvorträge‘ in the Roman-Catholic parish St. Marien, Basel

October, 8, 2017: Participation as Speaker in the Talk-Concert "Lebensart und Sterbenskunst des Johann Rist" ("Johann Rist's Art of Living and of Dying"), commemorating the 350th anniversary of the death of Johann Rist, Immanuel Church Wedel / Hamburg:

May, 3, 2017: Lecture on "What is Christian Education?" at STH Basel, Lecture series on the Reformation

April 28/29, 2017: Lectures at advanced training meeting of the seminary of the Roman-Catholic diocesis of Munich in St. Ottilien on "Reformation and Spirituality"

March 11, 2017: Lecture at the annual meeting of VEBS (Verein Evangelischer Bekenntnisschulen), Kassel, on: "What is Christian Education?"

February 17-18, 2017: Participation at the meeting of the Societas Mediaevistica in Mainz

February 14, 2017: Lectures at ,Seminar für biblische Theologie‘ Beatenberg, Switzerland, on Reformation, Secularism and Ecumenism

February 1, 2017: Presentation of a paper "Abgründe der Physikotheologie: Fabricius - Brockes - Reimarus" / "Abysses of Physico-Theology: Fabricius - Brockes - Reimarus" at the Colloquium of the Séminaire Libre de Théologie à Genève in Basel (Jan 30 - Febr. 1).

January 24, 2017: Lecture on "What makes Theology a Science" / "Was macht Theologie zu einer Wissenschaft?" at the meeting of the Theo-Kreis Leipzig, Germany.

November 14, 2016: Lecture on "The Catholicity of the Church" at the meeting of the "Evangelisch-theologischer Pfarrverein", Bern, Switzernland.

April 29, 2016: Colloquium on Sven Grosse, Ich glaube an die Eine Kirche [Ecumenical Ecclesiology], at the Theology Department of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, organized by Prof. Barbara Hallensleben.

February, 26-27, 2016: Meeting of the ,Societas Mediaevistica‘, organized by Prof. Berndt Hamm, in Ulm (Germany). Febr. 26: presentation of a paper: Mysticism and Justification in Luther in the Context of the Medieval Tradition.

February, 24, 2016: Presentation of a paper "What is Protestant Spirituality" at the advanced training meeting of the priests of the Roman-Catholic diocesis of St. Pölten, Austria.

February, 5-7, 2016: Conference of the authors of the ,Handbuch der evangelischen Spiritualität‘[Companion to Protestant Spirituality], ed. by Prof. Peter Zimmerling, organized by Prof. Peter Zimmerling, University of Leipzig, Germany. Febr. 5: presentation of a paper on the spirituality of Paul Gerhardt.

February, 1-3, 2016: Colloquium of the Séminaire Libre de Théologie à Genève, Geneva.

November, 21, 2015, Presentation of a paper: Luther and Radical Orthodoxy, on the conference
„Radical Orthodoxy and Protestantism“,  at the University of Nottingham, UK, organized by Prof. John Milbank. 

September, 16,  2015, Presentation of a paper: Martin Luther zwischen Rechtfertigungslehre und Mystik [Martin Luther between the doctrine of justification and mysticism], on the conference ,Mystik in den Weltreligionen‘ [Mysticism in the religions of the world], organized by Prof. Wolfgang Achtner, University Gießen, Germany, at Schloß Rauischholzhausen.

June, 2-26, 2015: Research colloquium: Selected themes of Ecclesiology, at the Theology Department of Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA, in cooperation with Prof. D. Stephen Long

March, 3, 2015, Presentation of a paper: Theology of the Canon (translated into Hungarian) at the Theology Department of Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, Hungary, invited by Prof. Peter Balla.

December, 6, 2014: Leading the conference ,Radical Orthodoxy. Ein Entwurf für eine Perspektive der westlichen Welt zwischen Säkularismus und neuer Religiosität‘ [Radical Orthodoxy. A Design for the Western World between Secularism and New Religiosity], together with Harald Seubert,
at Staatsunabhängige Theologische Hochschule Basel, sponsored by the Thyssen Foundation.

November, 25, 2014, 6.15 p.m.: Presentation of the book ,Basel als Zentrum des geistigen Austauschs in der frühen Reformationszeit‘ in the Stadthaus of Basel, together with Berndt Hamm and Christine Christ-von Wedel, sponsored by Verlag Mohr (Siebeck) and Staatsunabhängige Theologische Hochschule Basel.

June, 5-7, 2014: Leading the conference ,Auslegung und Hermeneutik der Bibel in der Reformationszeit‘ [Exegesis and Hermeneutics of the Bible in the Era of Reformation], at Staatsunabhängige Theologische Hochschule Basel, together with Christine Christ-von Wedel and Johann Anselm Steiger,
sponsored by Schweizer Nationalfonds (Swiss National Fund - SNF) and other sponsors.

September, 12, 2013: Visit at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada, Theology Department.

September, 3, 2013, 3.30 p.m.: Lecture "Luther in 1518: From Mysticism to Ecclesiology"at Marquette University.
August, 29 - September, 4: Visit at Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA, Theology Department.

May, 4, 2013: Presentation of a paper ,Sterbens-Kunst. Eine Anleitung aus den Himlischen Liedern des Johann Rist‘ (Art of Dying. An instruction from the ,Himlische Lieder‘ of Johann Rist) at the conference ,Johann Rist. Profile und Netzwerke eines Pastors, Dichters und Komponisten der Barockzeit‘ (Johann Rist. Profiles and Networks of a Pastor, Poet and Composer of the Baroque Era) at the University of Hamburg. und Netzwerke eines Pastors, Dichters und Komponisten der Barockzeit

February, 6, 2013: Presentation of a paper ,Mystik bei Luther und bei Bonaventura' (,Luther and Bonaventura as mystics‘) at the Séminaire Libre de Théologie à Genève, Geneva.

November, 23, 2012: Lecture: Christlicher Wahrheitsanspruch kontra gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsverdrossenheit, at Konferenz Bibeltreuer Ausbildungsstätten, Forum Wiedenest (The Christian Claim for Truth contra the Sullenness of Truth in the Society).

October, 30, 2012: Lecture on 'Hans Urs von Balthasars typologische Ekklesiologie und ihre ökumenische Relevanz' (Hans Urs von Balthasar's Typological Ecclesiology and its Ecumenical Relevance) in the series 'Balthasar aktuell', organized by the Balthasar Stiftung, at the University of Lucerne.

September 29, 2012: Lecture 'Luther und Bonaventura' (with an Italian translation) at a conference on Luther and Mysticism, organized be the Accademia di Studi Luterani in Italia, Milan, Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Sala delle Accademie.

June 8/9, 2012: Leading the conference "Basel als Zentrum des geistigen Austausches in der frühen Reformationszeit" (Basel as Center of intellectual exchange in the early Reformation era) at Staatsunabhängige Theologische Hochschule Basel, together with Christine Christ-von Wedel and Berndt Hamm,
sponsored by Schweizer Nationalfonds (Swiss National Fund - SNF) and Johannes Oekolampad Foundation of the Basel Stadt Reformed Church.

Presentation of a paper on "Die Emergenz lutherischer Theologie in Basel: Capitos Lutherausgabe von 1518" (The Emergence of Lutheran theology in Basel: Capito's Edition of Luther's Works of 1518)

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